33 Statistics that Prove Video Marketing is the Present & Future

Not conducting video marketing to promote your business online? If not, you’re in danger of rapidly falling behind the competition, with more and more brands turning to this medium to engage with their audiences and more effectively sell their products.

Where blog articles and infographics were once the staple for digital marketers, video has emerged as the best way for you to stand out from the crowd online.

Content is still the king, but video marketing brings him to life.

Here are 33 statistics that prove why you need to be investing in video and animation services sooner rather than later.

Video Consumption

An increasing number of internet users are consuming video content above anything else. Here are the stats that prove it.

Internet users spend one third of their online time watching videos. ( WordStream)

By the end of this year, online video is expected to account for 74% of all online traffic. ( KPCB)

There are over a billion YouTube users, representing nearly one third of all internet users. ( WordStream )

An estimated 500 million people watch videos on Facebook every single day. ( TubularInsights).

By comparison, Snapchat users are watching 10 billion videos every day. ( AdWeek).

Almost half (45%) of internet users watch in excess of an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos each week. ( WordStream )

In addition, 55% of users are watching videos online every day ( MWP).

According to YouTube, video consumption on mobile devices is increasing by 100% every year. ( HubSpot )

In the space of just 30 days, more video content is uploaded to the internet than the major US television networks have produced in 30 years. ( Invisia)

Video content is used by 87% of online marketers. ( HubSpot)


Producing content that resonates with your audience is essential if you want to ultimately generate more leads and convert more customers. Video marketing has been shown to have a significant effect on user engagement.

Approximately 75% of online video viewers have engaged with an online video advert this month. (HubSpot)

Video adverts are also great for viewer recall, with 80% of users remembering a video ad they watched in the past 30 days. (HubSpot)

What’s more, viewers retain far more of an ad’s messaging when seen in a video compared with text ads. (Invisia)

This medium can also have a major impact on your email marketing. By simply using the word ‘video’ in your subject line you can boost open rates by 19%. (Syndacast).

Additionally, an initial email that includes a video receives a 96% increase on click-through rates. (WordStream)

Consumers don’t just respond better to video content, they actually want it too, with four times as many customers preferring video over other other types of marketing. (Animoto).

This is reflected in how people engage with web pages, with users spending an average of 2.6x longer on pages with a video on compared with those without. (Wistia).

If you’re using videos on your website you can attract two-to-three times more visitors than if you don’t. (WordStream)

In fact, video is thought to drive a 157% increase in organic traffic from the search engines. (Brightcove)

This is helped in no small part by the fact that having a video on a landing page makes it 53% more likely to show up on page one of the SERPs. (Mist Media)

Video can also improve your website’s SEO by making it three times more likely your blogs will be linked to. (Moz)

When it comes to how it performs on social media, video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. (Responsive Inbound Marketing)

Video can work on ads too. Combining video with full-page ads boosts engagement by 22%. (Small Business Trends)


You may well have already been aware of the positive engagement metrics that can come about through successful video marketing, but did you know the impact it can have on your conversion too?

Websites convert significantly better when video is used — 4.8% compared with 2,9% for sites that don’t use video. (Adelie Studios)

After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online. (HubSpot)

Of all the marketing professionals worldwide, more than half (52%) name video as the type of content with the best return on investment. (Syndacast).

This is supported by the fact that marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. (VidYard)

Almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store. (ThinkWithGoogle)

Product demo videos make online shoppers more likely to buy — 1.81 times more likely to be exact. (Responsive Inbound Marketing)

This is supported by the 90% of users who say product videos are helpful in the decision-making process, while 36% of online consumers trust video ads. (HubSpot)

You should also make sure you’re producing high quality video ads. How much a viewer enjoys an ad can increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139%. (HubSpot)

Including video in your landing pages can increase conversion by 80%. (EyeView)

Of the 96% of B2Bs using video marketing, 73% report positive results to ROI. (HubSpot)

Still not convinced you should be investing in video marketing? Check out the Klood Digital showreel and see what we can do.

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